Should you experience a dental emergency, it’s paramount to schedule an appointment with an experienced dentist ASAP.
If left untreated, many dental problems can become highly problematic, such as tooth decay and gum disease.
Here are some of the most common dental emergencies that our Kemptville or Kanata emergency dentists treat.
Broken, Cracked, or Chipped Teeth
Eating hard candies, nuts, or any other tooth-busting food can lead to broken, cracked, or chipped teeth.
This isn’t always painful at first, which is why many people delay visiting a dentist. However, waiting to fix a broken, cracked, or chipped tooth can lead to further problems down the road.
Reach out to our emergency dentist in Kanata to schedule an appointment, or get in touch with our Kemptville dental offices.
Knocked-Out Teeth
Knocked-out teeth are another common dental emergency that requires immediate treatment.
You may think that there’s nothing to do if you’ve knocked out a tooth in an accident except to get a dental implant. However, you might be able to save your tooth.
You have a limited window of time to put the tooth back in its socket to ensure its survival.
Our emergency dental teams in Kanata and Kemptville can often reattach your knocked-out tooth to its root.
Tooth Abscess
A tooth abscess is a serious condition caused by a bacterial infection.
Abscess occurs when there’s a buildup of pus inside the gums or teeth. Failing to treat it can cause the infection to spread throughout the body and lead to life-threatening consequences.
How would you know if you have an abscessed tooth? The tell-tale signs would be swollen gums and high sensitivity to hot and cold foods and beverages.
If you notice these signs, call our Kanata emergency dentist right away, or schedule an appointment at our Kemptville or Stittsville office.
Dislodged Fillings
It can make the exposed tissue sensitive to pressure and hot and cold temperatures and expose the affected tooth to harmful bacteria.
That’s why it’s important to fill the cavity right away and prevent root canal infections.
Sometimes, tooth decay can cause a filling to come loose, which is also why it’s crucial to see your dentist as soon as possible.
We can identify the cause of the problem and provide you with the right course of dental treatment.
Emergency Dental in Kanata + Kemptville Emergency Dentist
If you’re looking for a top-notch emergency dentist in Kemptville or Kanata, the emergency dental team at Yazdani Family Dentistry is here for you.
We offer dental treatments on an emergency basis, as we hold a number of spots regularly for dental events that can (and unfortunately do) occur.
Contact us anytime to schedule a fast-tracked appointment with our Kemptville or Kanata emergency dentist and keep your oral health in top condition. Don’t hesitate – call us in Kanata at 613-703-0986, or in Kemptville at 613-706-0987.