Root Canal Treatment Near You in Kanata, ON

Do you have a tooth infection? If so, that infection can end up causing a great deal of damage to the structure of your tooth and can also impact your entire well-being if left ignored. At Yazdani Family Dentistry, we offer root canal therapy in Kanata, to restore the function of the tooth and relieve any associated pain.

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Woman pointing to her cheek which is highlighted red to show pain.


Root Canal to Save Teeth & Prevent Further Damage

All teeth have root canals that are filled with blood vessels, a pulp (the innermost part of your tooth), and nerves that branch off from the top of the tooth until they reach the tip of the root. When an infection occurs or if the tooth’s pulp becomes harmed, it can begin to affect the root. A host of issues can then occur, such as pain and sensitivity, disease, and an abscess.

What is a Root Canal

A root canal is a series of procedures performed on somebody to save an infected tooth. Root canals, formerly known as an endodontic treatment is one of the more intimidating dental procedures people have to undergo but it isn’t nearly as scary as people may think!

Removing the mystery surrounding a root canal surgery and telli mg you exactly what is done is a great way to put your mind at ease so you hopefully won’t avoid the treatment in the future! Your teeth will thank you!

Tooth Extraction in progress
Model of a tooth showing the root system.


Benefits of a Root Canal

Attempting to save and salvage the tooth has many benefits over an extraction. For one, a crown can provide stability and also address other issues while improving the overall appearance of the tooth. The alternative (tooth extraction) can lead to a series of other issues, from shifting teeth to TMJ disorders. If you have a tooth infection or are suffering from pain and sensitivity, it’s important to visit your dentist for an assessment. A root canal may be recommended to remove the damage and save your tooth. To learn more about our procedure, contact us today!

Many people fear the therapy. However, the experience is very similar to having a filling placed. If any deep cleaning of the root is required, anesthesia will be used to ensure that patients are comfortable.


Emergency Dental Services?

Our clinics offer same-day appointments for your emergencies. If you need a dentist to help you in a crisis, please do not hesitate — call us right away!


How We Go About Root Canal Treatment

Our therapy removes any of the infected or decayed pulp from the tooth. The dentist will then fill the canal with a safe substance to prevent infection and restore the healthy part of the tooth. It will then be capped with a crown, inlay, or onlay to provide extra strength and durability. This treatment has a high success rate and prevents the need of having the tooth completely extracted. In a series of visits, the diseased tissue will be removed, the inner chamber cleansed, canals reshaped, and then finally filled and sealed to prevent any further damage.

X-Ray of a tooth with a red highlighted root.
Man massaging his jaw to relieve pain.

When Are Root Canals Necessary?

Root canals are necessary when someone has a badly inflamed tooth. This can happen for many reasons! It could be poor oral hygiene, or it could simply be a cracked crown!
The infection occurs when bacteria makes its way into the pulp of the tooth (the tissue inside the tooth) and causes it to become infected and inflamed. It will often times be quite painful for the patient, which is another motivating factor to not avoid root canal surgery and allow us to help you.

How Is A Root Canal Performed?

A root canal treatment is performed in 1-2 appointments depending on the progression of the infection in your mouth, and is broken down into 8 simple steps.

Local Anesthesia

One of our dental experts will administer a local anesthetic to the tooth and surrounding area, essentially “freezing” your mouth so you don’t feel any pain during the treatment!

Apply a Dental Dam

Once your mouth is frozen, our dental expert will insert a flexible dental dam to cover the unaffected teeth in your mouth to reduce the threat of bacteria spreading from the infected tooth during the treatment! This dental dam is typically made out of vinyl or rubber.

Woman with a big smile sitting in a dental chair.


Now we are ready for the healing no to begin! In order for our dental expert to access the infection in the tissue below your tooth, they will drill a small hole in your tooth! Don’t worry you won’t feel any pain at all, it will feel just like you’re getting a filling.

Remove Nerves & Infected Tissue

Now it’s time to remove all the nerves and infected tissue from your infected tooth. Our dental professionals will remove all infected tissue and nerves through the tiny hole they drilled. You won't be able to feel any pain once the nerves have been removed from the tooth!


This is the most important part of the treatment: disinfecting your tooth! Our dental expert will make sure there is no remaining bacteria in or surrounding your tooth to make sure you are ready for the next step!

Insert Flexible Root Canal Tools

Now that your tooth is completely disinfected, it’s time for us to insert a flexible tool into your mouth that will help us to shape the area where the filling will be inserted to prevent any further infection! This is a quick and painless process.

Apply the Filling

Now it’s time to apply the filler and sealant to the tooth! This will prevent the tooth from becoming infected again in the future. Once the sealant is applied to the filling, this is typically the last step in the process! There are some who need a post during this treatment, so we will walk you through that as well.

Apply Post if Needed

A post may be inserted into your tooth during the filling process to help keep a tooth in place, but that is totally dependent on the structure of your tooth! If a post is required, your dental professional will inform you ahead of time.

A post may be inserted into your tooth during the filling process to help keep a tooth in place, but that is totally dependent on the structure of your tooth! If a post is required, your dental professional will inform you ahead of time.

It is normal to experience minor pain and tenderness around the treated area after your anesthetic wears off, but this should only last a couple days. A small price to pay for excellent dental health!

dental care in kemptville

Root Canals: Fact vs. Fiction

There is such a stigma surrounding root canal treatments, rumours and myths have been treated as fact for far too long. We are here to put your mind at ease and separate the fact from the fiction for you!

The Treatment Causes Illness

This rumor has been around for nearly a century, and it is simply untrue. This accusation was put forth long before we had a modern understanding of dental treatments and medicine in general. There is no scientific evidence to support this claim.

Tooth Extraction is Better than a Root Canal

It’s a fact that preserving a natural tooth is always going to be a better option than extracting a tooth. Medical advancements have come a long way and a dental implant comes close to the feel of a natural tooth, but that requires extensive surgery and a lengthy recovery time.

Flippers and dental bridges are another option, however they require more maintenance and treatments for the remaining teeth in your mouth. Trust the experts and opt for a root canal treatment. It’s the safest bet!

tooth logo

Root Canals

Frequently Asked Questions

We get a lot of questions, naturally, about the wide range of dental services we perform here at our Kanata dental clinic. Here are the answers to the most frequently asked questions. Don't see yours answered here? Feel free to reach out to Yazdani Family Dentistry.

The cost of a root canal can vary based on factors such as the complexity of the procedure. Typically, it can range from $300 to over $2000. Your dentist will provide a detailed treatment plan and cost estimate.

If you experience significant pain after a root canal, especially if it persists beyond a few days, contact our office immediately for further evaluation. We are here to ensure a smooth recovery process.

After a root canal, maintaining good oral hygiene is essential. Brush and floss regularly and follow any post-treatment care instructions provided by our dental professionals. Regular check-ups will help monitor your recovery.

Yes, root canals are commonly performed to treat severely decayed teeth and prevent extraction. Our skilled team will carefully remove the decay and restore the tooth with a crown or filling. 

Yes, it is perfectly normal to feel mild tenderness and discomfort for a few days following a root canal. This is because the healing process is underway. To manage any discomfort, we recommend keeping your head elevated while sleeping and using over-the-counter pain relief. If the pain persists or worsens, please contact our office immediately for further evaluation.